Thursday, August 16, 2012

Walking Buddies

The kids and I went on a walk tonight. We walked up to Freedom gas station to get Pepperfest buttons before the "presale" price is over. Originally, I was going to ask Daddy to come with us and push one of the strollers but one of our friends called and said he could look at our van for us and that's way more important than silly Pepperfest buttons! I was racking my brain for how I would push two strollers...or make Gracie ride her bike (almost 2 miles, yeah right!)...or....Ugg! Then I remembered when Gracie was barely walking we bought a hiking baby backpack. We've never used it, but I was able to find it in the garage for our walk today.

My walking buddies.
 I wasn't sure how JR would like the backpack. He's never really been in anything like it. He laid his head on the edge, right by my ear and sang for the majority of the walk. A sweet little baby melody. :)

Push pops!