Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bee is for Ballerina

We arrived about ten minutes early, so Gracie gave Bee a pre-dance class lesson on some of her favorite moves from her class.

They started with a song and then horsies!

The last year and a half of watching Gracie danced paid off for Bee. She instantly put the bean bag on her head and started walking around with it without any prompting from the teacher!

If only I'd captured the giggle that went with this picture!

She loved the ribbon dancing. She started as soon as they were in her hands, regardless of music.

 All tuckered out after a fun dance class. As soon as they were dismissed she threw herself dramatically on the floor and declared "Again! Another one dance class!" She continued that fit all. the. way. home. I think it's safe to say she loved it.


Allegro Mama said...

Awe! Super cute! I love the pictures. I want a little girl to put in dance classes :)

Nana Jo said...

She must be the youngest one there! Our little Bee!

Jodi said...

There's one other little girl that also turned two in October. Bee has the advantage of watching Gracie for so long, so she was one of five kids that was doing what the teacher was doing almost the whole time. I think she did better than Gracie usually does in her class!