Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Marbeling with Shaving Cream

As an art teacher, I follow a lot of art education blogs. Some of the ideas that I find I use with my students, some with my kids, and some with both! This idea I used with Gracie last night, and intend to use with my Autistic students this school year. It will be my first year working with small groups of special needs kids, so I have been on the lookout for great projects that will help with the skills we are trying to cultivate in them. I looked for the original post for this idea, but couldn't find it. So I guess I'll tell you the steps that we took to create these awesome marbeled papers.
UPDATE: I found the original post! Check here for Miss Rachel's post.
First, spray some shaving cream into a tray.
Add a few drops of food coloring or liquid watercolors. The original blog suggested using only two colors, but I really like the ones we did with all three primary colors (red, yellow, and blue). You will get a rainbow effect with the primary colors mixing into secondary colors (orange, green, and purple).

Use whatever you want to create swirls and other patterns in the shaving cream. I tried using a comb, and it got a bit jumbled. If you have a lower edge to your tray that would probably work great. For Gracie, I just had her use her finger. She's a pretty hands-on girl, she'd probably just throw the comb and dive in with her fingers anyway!
Lay your paper on the shaving cream and smooth it onto the cream. I used regular computer printing paper and it worked fine. Peal the paper off of the shaving cream, and scrape the shaving cream off of the paper right away. I started trying to scrape it off with cardstock but quickly learned it is much easier to just use my hand! Here are our four completed masterpieces:

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