Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Disappointing Week 38

Well, I had my weekly appointment this afternoon, and there's pretty much no change. I haven't gained any weight since last week (yea!), and my blood pressure was 120/70, which is good. Baby's heartbeat was strong, as always. I told the doc I've had a lot of back pain since last week, and she said that's good-but I'm not any further dilated which was disappointing. This weekend is my doctor's on call weekend, and I was really hoping to have her actually deliver Gracie. With today's news, I'm not to optimistic that it will happen though. Well, time for dinner-spicy sausage, eggplant, and Castor oil pasta. Ha!
Next appointment: March 4th, 4:55.


erin said...

Ewww. Your menu makes me gag.
I have my appt tonight.
Wish me luck!
Seriously, we're neck and neck.
AND eggplant gave me lots of cramps, but no action. I think it MIGHT actually help, once that baby is ready.

Jodi said...

The only part of the menu I really ate was the sausage pasta. :)
I found "baby eggplant" at the grocery store, and was convinced that's the stuff to get, but Brian wouldn't let me get any at all.