Saturday, February 16, 2008


Gracie has been moving a lot more lately. She is still on a cycle so I can usually predict about what time she will start moving. Her movements have gotten a lot stronger, and I can actually watch my belly jump as she moves. Carrie and Jon were able to see a little of her jumping when they were here last weekend, and it's gotten stronger since then. I don't think she's actually kicking and it usually doesn't hurt at all-except when she grabs on to my ribs. It feels more like she's stretching-which I can't blame her for doing, it's getting pretty tight in there! I think I felt my first contraction yesterday. It was obviously very mild, and didn't take much time but felt different than anything I've felt so far. Despite knowing I was dilated and working on moving her down, this made me feel like I'm really on my way to delivery within the next few weeks. Tomorrow marks week number 37 so she is officially considered a full term baby. We are trying to stay close to home as she could join our world anytime between now and four weeks from now.


Unknown said...

YAY!!!! We're ready for ya Gracie Jo!

erin said...

After going for 37 weeks, doesn't that last FOUR seem SOOOOO long?
I'm alternating between feeling excited about bringing baby home and feeling disgusted by the state of my house. I mean, there's DUST on the lamps! How can I bring a baby home to this???

Jodi said...

Yeah, the last few weeks are becoming torture. We're getting pretty messy here too-just keep the baby's room clean and remember s/he won't remember what the house looked like! :)