Thursday, April 17, 2008

Lactation Group

I had my six week check up this afternoon. The doctor said that everything has healed correctly, and I am good as new, basically. I have already taken off the baby weight, and am working on the excess pre-baby weight. Feelin' pretty good right now, and hope that it continues. However, I did have questions for her about how to get myself to make more milk for Gracie. I am concerned that I won't have enough stored when I have to go back to work (sigh) at the end of the month (there will be lots of tears on the 28th). She didn't have many answers, but advised me to go back to the hospital and talk with the lactation consultant. The LC has a group that meets every Thursday afternoon to check up on their babies and breastfeed together. OK, they told me about this group when Gracie was born, and it was a little weird for me-a bunch of strangers getting together and talking while their boobs are hanging out? No thank you. Despite my reservations, Gracie comes first-no matter what. So I sucked up my pride and modesty and went after my appointment. I am so glad I went! I was weird at first because they had already started when I got there, and I know I can't go much longer (until summer) since it's on a weekday afternoon but I got so many answers! First, I weighed Gracie and was shocked to discover she is nine pounds, five ounces! OMG! Angie (the LC) encouraged me, saying that with that weight gain, and her chubby cheeks, she is clearly getting enough milk. Yea! She also told me about a couple of products I can take to improve my production. I am now taking Fenugreek which not only helps with production, but also with digestion-and Gracie's digestion. I am hoping that it will ease her gas pains. There's also a Mother's Milk tea that I bought, even though I usually don't drink tea it will be worth it if it works. They also told me about Gripe Water which can be given to babies up to six times a day to help with fussiness. I got the milk products at Apple Nutrition, and they gave me a free sample of Gripe Water. I am so encouraged by our progress. There were mommies there with five month old babies that were having trouble getting the baby to latch on. Watching the other ladies showed me that Gracie and I are doing just fine and I had a smile on my face the whole way home.


erin said...

Jodi, I am SO glad for you! How wonderful! I can't believe she weighs 9lbs, 5 oz!! That's crazy! :)
Good work, Mommy!

Unknown said...

With the chubby cheeks that girl has-I can't believe you doubted yourself. You are doing great!