Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Two Month Checkup

Gracie had her two month appointment yesterday. We learned that she is now 10 lbs, 12 oz which is the 50th percentile. She is 23" long, which is the 76th percentile-where'd she get that? I forget the actual number for the diameter of her head, but it was the 75th percentile. The doctor said she is doing good, and growing like a weed-I've noticed! She also got her first vaccinations. I don't know if it was harder on her or me. She was crying so hard she lost her breath and couldn't cry!
She didn't really nap at all yesterday, and was really fussy-probably because I was sick- so I was nervous that we'd have a rough night. She wouldn't go to sleep and I was physically exhausted from the fever I'd been fighting, so I was naughty and put her in her bassinet with the boppy to prop her up. I turned on the vibrations and nature sounds and gave her a nuk and she fell fast asleep-and slept for eight hours! Yup, my baby slept through the night for the first time.


Unknown said...

How is finding an easier way to put her to sleep being naughty-I call that inventive or innovative.

Jodi said...

Because the tag actually says sleep with the "NO" symbol over it! I think they're afraid the baby will slide down and suffocate.

Cara said...

Congrats on your first full-night's sleep! Here's to many more..... By the way, my oldest slept in a Boppy for the first 6 months of her life--she liked to be held tightly, and the Boppy was the only way we could accomplish that and get sleep ourselves. Way to improvise! :)

Jodi said...

Cara-Thanks, good to know! Now maybe I won't feel so guilty if I do it again-and then maybe I'll get sleep too!

erin said...

Haha--I was just going to say that Emma slept in a boppy for like six months!
Congratulations on eight hours!